Cours les plus populaires

Plongée à l’Air Enrichi PADI
Le cours PADI Plongée à l’air enrichi est la spécialité la plus…
Plongée profonde PADI
La plongée sous-marine profonde n’est pas seulement un défi, c’est aussi extrêmement…
Plongée sur épave PADI
Qu’elles aient été coulées dans le but de créer un récif artificiel…
Plongée à Playa del Carmen
Quand il s’agit de plongée en récif, Playa del Carmen est votre…
Requins Bouledogues
Venez les observer dans leur habitat naturel et frissonner devant ces créatures…
Discovering : 3 Days
Découvrez les eaux riches et turquoises de Playa Del Carmen. Le lendemain,…

Ce que nos clients disent de nous

“Summer is a joyful season, the one that is absolutely perfect for traveling, falling in love and of course for swimming activities! Book the best date and find the perfect party spot with the help of professional managers!

Thanks a lot for this aThe lady who helped with the booking was very helpful and patient with me when I changed plans, added and took away people etc.
Jonny was a wonderful guide who put safety first and gave us two incredible dives that we will never forget…”


“It was an amazing experience. The team was super nice and I love my time with them. Jeremy was excellent and his guidance was very helpful to get my certification. 100% recommended, you should get your certification with them.”


“Really friendly staff. Prompt responses and happy to work with you.”


Rencontrez notre équipe

Co-manageuse & Instructrice de Plongée
Camille Laquerriere
Manager General & Course Director

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