Bienvenido a México

Vive una experiencia única
El Mejor Servicio al Cliente
Nuestras instalaciones están diseñadas para satisfacer las necesidades de los buceadores. ¡¡¡Bienvenidos…
La seguridad es lo primero
Formación de nuestro equipo en primeros auxilios La seguridad es una prioridad…
Desarrollo profesional
¿Por qué convertirse en profesional PADI? Vivir el sueño… ¿qué significa eso…
¿Listo para una aventura? No te pierdas esto
Si siempre has soñado con descubrir las joyas de la Riviera Maya, estás en el lugar adecuado. Nuestro equipo apasionado estará encantado de llevarte a descubrir los tesoros sumergidos de la región.
Coursos Populares
Buceo local en Playa Del Carmen
Dèjanos hacer que tu experiencia de buceo sea inolvidable
Te ofrecemos un equipo de la mas alta calidad
La forma en que el mundo aprende a bucear.
Buscamos la aventura donde otros solo sueñan. Estamos unidos por nuestro amor por el mundo submarino y nuestro deseo de protegerlo.
“Summer is a joyful season, the one that is absolutely perfect for traveling, falling in love and of course for swimming activities! Book the best date and find the perfect party spot with the help of professional managers!
Thanks a lot for this aThe lady who helped with the booking was very helpful and patient with me when I changed plans, added and took away people etc.
Jonny was a wonderful guide who put safety first and gave us two incredible dives that we will never forget…”
“It was an amazing experience. The team was super nice and I love my time with them. Jeremy was excellent and his guidance was very helpful to get my certification. 100% recommended, you should get your certification with them.”
“Really friendly staff. Prompt responses and happy to work with you.”
“It was a great experience to dive with Dune. They are very informative and always make sure to provide briefing of the logistics to make sure you know what to expect. They really treated me like a family. A highly recommended dive shop and I will for sure come visit them again.”