Started on January 1, 20239h / Day4 Weeks

The beginning of a new career in diving …

PADI Dive Master are highly regarded in the diving industry. With training and guidance from our experienced PADI Professional Instructors, in a magical location between the Caribbean seas and the cenotes… you’ll start the diving career you’ve always dreamed of!

During the PADI Dive Master program, you will learn to be a guide through classroom learning and self-study. You’ll practice drills and receive training that will improve your organizational skills, problem-solving abilities and help others improve their diving. You will put your knowledge into action through this structured course and through practical exercises.

Training duration for your Dive Master : min. 4 weeks.

Prerequisites for Dive Master

  • Be 18 years old
  • Be a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or have an equivalent certification from another organization)
  • Be a PADI Rescue Diver or equivalent
  • Be certified EFR or equivalent for less than 2 years
  • Have logged a minimum of 40 dives and finish with at least 60 dives including at least one night dive and one navigation dive
  • Be declared fit to practice scuba diving by a doctor for less than 12 months (form to download)

Course Objective

  • Help you develop exemplary diving and rescue techniques and professional level knowledge,
  • Allow you to gain experience as a qualified assistant, develop your skills in dive management and supervision and learn to lead specific PADI programs,
  • To develop your knowledge, attitude, judgment and techniques necessary to work as a dive guide and teaching assistant.

How the course works

  • You will be taken care of in small groups and you will participate in theory presentations in the classroom, on physics, on the physiology of diving, on the environment… you will become an expert.
  • Workshops in the pool and training dives in the sea.
  • You will also have the opportunity to assist instructors in various training courses (Open Water, Advanced, Rescue, DSD, etc…).
  • Finally, you will be put in contact with the center’s clients to familiarize yourself with customer service and quality management.
  • You will guide your first clients under the supervision of your instructor.
  • Certification requirements: fulfill all course requirements and have logged a minimum of 60 dives.

Teaching materials and equipment :

The price of this course is 1590 USD (between 4 and 6 weeks of training).


Please note that it is preferable that you come with your equipment in order to familiarise yourself with its use as a future professional. Ask us for advice.

Si vous n’avez pas votre propre équipement ou que vous souhaitez voyager léger merci de nous contacter, nous avons de l’équipement en location.

Crew Pack Divemaster not included in the price of this course: $350 USD

PADI fee : 134$ USD – to be paid directly to Padi at the end of your course.

It is preferable that you come with your equipment in order to familiarize yourself with its use as a future professional. Ask us for advice.

Our teaching team

Our highly qualified Platinium Course Director, who has over 20 years of experience teaching diving here in Mexico, offers training and coaching in different languages (English, Spanish, and French) as well as job search advice, resume writing assistance, and ongoing support throughout your career. We specialize in small groups and personalized development during training.

Our team is composed of experienced PADI Instructors, Master Scuba Diver Trainers, IDC Staff Instructors, Course Director, experienced Technical Instructors … who, like a family, are here to welcome you, help you become everything you strive to be: a PADI professional.

It’s that simple! Write to us today, tell us about yourself and your goal and we’ll find a way to achieve it! Become a Pro with Dune Mexico Playa Del Carmen!

More informations about Divemaster PADI, click here

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